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Saturday, August 20, 2011

escape to subang :D

oh gosh...cnt believe that i went to subang and find yew yew today...haha...
quite tiring...spent at least one and a half hour to reach there @.@
didn't meet up with my dear and ended up go find one of my besties during sec school :D
almost half year didn't see her le...last time planned wanna meet her n tey tey together but at last cancelled. next week all of us are in jb!:D gonna hang out with all my dear friends :D:D
tey tey going to indonesia soon...about 1 more month ba...gonna miss her sabai sabai style liaw T.T

besides yew yew,also met with yoyo!1st time met him and he is really a nice guy...
thanks for the cactus yo...haha...look quite alike with my previous one...
thanks him for finding the cactus for me :)
and he fetched me from the train station to sunway pyramid to meet yew yew...
chat quite lot with him abt kl life,cheryl and kk along the journey...haha...
nice meeting with him :)

stroll in sunway pyramid with yew and we sat in kfc to chat...
it's been a long time since the last chat with her...
then suddenly a guy came and asked for donation...
gosh......he talked and explained a lot a lot...
and me n yew dunno wan how to reject him and we donate RM 15 each...-.-
and when he left,both of us blamed each other why not dare to reject him =.="

had my dinner with yew,shuling,jiali and xiao wen!and also yew's bro._.
all sec school friends that never meet since the release of spm results...
time flies,i really feel that...all of them become more and more pretty!haha...
jiali asked me whether saw her dear before when i was in utp...
lol...sha diao and answered her i didn't see him in utp before...haha...

back around 7.30pm and i reached my place around 9pm...gosh...

next time if want go find yew again then want overnight at her place liaw...
take ktm and lrt alone at night is quite scary...especially the ktm=.="
i so scared i will drop at a wrong station...
because it's too dark that i can't see the signboard outside clearly-.-"

had a nice day today <3

oh!tests start next week!!!!and i am going back to jb soon!!!!happy happy lalala~~~~~already start packing but i haven't finish studying for my tests...LOL...

one and a half month.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Famine 30-Hour :D

今年的主题为儿童健康,口号为 “孩要健康,救是现在!” (Hunger for Health!)

it's nice to spend your weekend to join a meaningful event :) had a good experience and had a lot of fun there :) at first still don't know wanna join this event or not, but at last, i went, and it's really fun, no regret to go for it. :D

Famine 30-Hour countdown event:D performing artists for the concert!

Join as a volunteer in participants registration group :D

We gonna distribute the "giant hand" to all the campers!:D

With Janis and Lai Yee :) 

 They are all very friendly :)

Flash mob!!:D

These two little kids are soooo cute!should be triplets but one of them too shy and run away ady XD

Flash mob again :)

In the morning (before 11am)

Everyone will get the giant hand and the wrist band before entering the stadium :D

Inside the stadium.(before 12pm) More and more people!:D

Oral rehydration-cure for diarrhea

Clean,hygience water-prevention for diarrhea and malaria

Bed nets-prevention for dengue fever 

Immunisation-prevention for infectious diseases

阿牛!last section for the countdown concert!

everyone is super duper high throughout the concert although already fast for 30 hours!!:D like the songs aniu sang!《光脚丫》,很温馨、很朗朗上口的一首歌。阿牛的歌就是这样,简单却又不失内涵,全场都跟着一起唱!在很小的时候,已经对他的经典歌《对面的女孩看过来》耳熟能详了,很多很多年以后,第一次听他现场唱!超好听的·XD 全场都跟着唱,他还怪大家唱错歌词!哈哈!


It's time to break fast!:D

You've made it!!!:D:D

See you next year at the 15th anniversary!:D

Oh yea,guess who i met?utpians!:)
Ruth,Wanfang and Siew Ching :D

It's finally ended!:)

View in the arena.(photo from world vision :D ) it's around 10,000 peoples from all the states in Malaysia!

 New bottle bought!special design from Bros for World Vision :D
can't you see?it wrote "Building a better world for children" :D

Another new bottle :D

bought a new bottle because i need 1 more.and who knows, during the appreciation ceremony for all the volunteers, every volunteer got a free bottle sponsored by Bros! :)
although tired, and seriously, my legs are painful after hours of standing at the gate distributing the giant hand, it's still very fun and i felt very happy that day :D all the time spent are worth :D nice memories and experience for me :D


